Monday, August 17, 2009

That's a Lie, Mr. President!

Unfortunately, many Americans have become immune to the outrage of untruthful politicians. Simply because they are politicians, we allow a little leeway as far as sticking to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

But sometimes, even according to our loose standards, politicians cross the line of what should be permissible.

On July 29th, President Obama posted on his blog a list "eight basic consumer protections" that would be included in the reform bill. Number 6 is, and I quote, "No annual or lifetime caps on coverage."

That's a nice thought. But what does his bill actually state?

"The cost-sharing incurred under the essential benefits package with respect to an individual (or family) for a year does not exceed ... $5,000 for an individual, and $10,000 for a family." (29.4-29.6)

There is no way to reconcile Obama's claims and the actual bill's wording. This is clearly either a deliberate misrepresentation of the truth, or a gross lack of understanding on the President's part. Either way, this situation is not acceptable.

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