Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Murder Behind Vaccinations

In 1962, a 3-month old unborn female baby was murdered - and she was number 38 in a long line of similar babies aborted for research purposes. Her lung tissues were harvested successfully, and they were used to create the cell line that was and continues to be the basis for the chicken pox vaccine in America.

Hepatitis B, Rubella, Rabies, Polio, Mumps, and Measles vaccines also are based upon cell lines originating from aborted fetuses (though there are also "untainted" versions of many of the listed vaccines).

In America? We do this? We kill innocent babies in order to reap the benefits from their tissue? If that's not utilitarianism, I don't know what is.

In the near future, the chicken pox vaccine will be expiring. Do the math: this cell line is approaching 50 years of age, and will need to be replaced soon. What are America's scientists going to do to keep the chicken pox vaccine available? And what are America's politicians going to let them do about that?

Email your senator. Call your representative. Post about this issue on your Facebook status. Let's not allow America to keep murdering her unborn so we can use their tissue for our own ends.

Please check out this link for more information.

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